Old Lad

Old Lad
Old Lad by Raghav Shandilya   A short story about a man in his old age………………
Preface:- I have just looked the world through eyes of few old ones and that’s what I think they think each day for rest of their lives….. It’s a big question why they feel that way shouldn’t we do something? Why even old age homes exist? Ask yourself and what you want your parents to feel when they get old…..
I am 75 now. Waking up is much harder, my knees hurt, my body is full of pain, still I have to do it early in the morning as my doctor told me to.My teeth don’t piss me off anymore (putting artificial teeth in his mouth).
Which also arises a feeling deep in my heart, that why are even we so real and not artificial, it’s kind of hypothetical, and should I think it or not? It’s 10 minutes since I woke up(thinking laying in his bed), I have to bath and get ready for my regular walk, I have started liking it as it’s been years now when first I was out there for it.It’s just I get new people out there in the park, I watch them sometimes talk with few if I get a chance, I think I speak too much .But I try to share my mistakes so that they will not make it. I think it’s useless, but still I do it.I can never forget my meds anymore, if I do then it’s hard to breath……..What have I become even I don’t know…..
My memories are getting stronger and body weaker (thinking in his mind while sitting on a bench) , I can’t even cry out loud over Bryan Adams, oh I miss that time a lot but I am content with self now.
I miss her a lot, it’s been 6 years since I saw her, but I can still feel her somehow near me (referring to his wife).
She was perfect even at 69, we had great moments I can spend hours thinking about them (thinking of their first kiss and the smile on her face when he proposed her and lots of other memories). Life is what we make it, I guess I made it right, but what if I didn’t? But who cares now?I did my best to be the best of what a husband is, of what a father is and I succeeded in it I think so, My girl is young now, she is enjoying the years of her life in her own circle(talking about her own family, her husband etc), am I being jealous? If I am then I shouldn’t, she has a good heart, she even brings me flowers, whenever she comes. Oh but it’s long time now, I couldn’t even remember when I saw her last time, I thinks it was 2 months back or maybe 3, I don’t remember.I should call her (by taking out his phone with shaking hands), but this damn cell is too hard to operate why don’t they make 1100’s anymore?  Why they would make them for me (with sadistic smile), although I am just an old lad. Oh its 9 am I should be get going now I have to see Mark at the old barber shop…..he always waves to me whenever I pass.But I must admit I miss my hair, (by passing through the barber shop and thinking of old times)  but a clean head is not even bad(moving hand over his head and sympathizing himself).
It’s another day with great sunshine(looking up in the sky), It brings back smile to my face when I think 50 years back when I was young and fast, I could almost win the world if I want to, oh my oh my it was fabulous.I love kids walking on the street ,teasing girls and enjoying the warmness in their blood, not much has changed, just some rubbish hairstyles and some low waist jeans, oh God I hate those jeans……(frowning inside). With a slow brisk walk over the bridge where we first met, it’s still pouring out that amazing charm which it had forever (looking down on the flowing water under the small bridge). Oh I miss her and my old days, if all this could be changed if I ever could, I would just make a small change, just a small one I would end this life when she went up away and left me alone to face this cruel world which doesn’t even want me here anymore, not even my own daughter for whom I world late night hours and sacrificed  my health and my precious time.I am 75 now and I am just going on, getting older and waiting to die cause now no one is here who can see inside me and understand what is going on……………………………………………………
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