The Few Things People Will Remember You For.


What you see and feel are the two most important specifications in ultimately coming to a conclusion about having an opinion of someone. And by that I mean, like it or not, appearance is vital. Everyone endorses themselves. For example, from the moment you are born – you are categorized to whom, which side you resemble, you parent’s friends will compliment on your looks almost every time they see you, to the very first day of school where you will most definitely be judged and again, categorized as a fat/skinny/cute/pretty/not-so-pretty kid. I’m not even going to include how important looks are to most, if not all, adolescents in high school and how you create an image for yourself along the years covering college, post college and I’m just going to go ahead and insert the rest of your natural born life here.

What comes along your appearance is your personality (which is a crazy broad term). This also includes how honest of a person you are. A majority of people undermine this quality and its significance. But it happens to be one that distinguishes you from a worthy person from a person nobody really wants to care about or should even bother to care about. Life is nothing but a bunch of circumstances and a bunch of choices you make. Whether they are good or bad is all your take. It is whether you make it or break it. 

Whether you like it or not, in your last years of life you will think back to all the situations, where you had the choice to take the high road or for some selfish/low reason choose to lie. These entire scenarios sort of sum up the kind of person you are, what choices you made in the heat of the moment.

And honesty isn’t the only quality that I’m going to advertise. The significance of morals is almost non-existent. Like, the young generation don’t even count having morals. Many qualities come under the same category like kindness and generosity. Are we giving enough space to these qualities in our lives?

Here’s where I feel a bit frustrated. I am all for striving for goals and being ambitious but WHAT IS UP with people being seduced by the other person’s experience? I mean it’s almost as if I’m just sitting here waiting for someone to tell me a story and the next thing you know, I WANT/I JUST HAVE to do the same thing. It’s like my dream now. I just don’t understand why people can’t have their personal wants of certain experiences and why they would crave to have the others. I find this whole scenario quite ugly. I have never been the kind of person to be jealous or suddenly want to have something the other person does. My question is: Is it really that hard to be content? Or are we just making it look like that?

I think being content is not a bad thing. Who says you need to give up on striving for more? That’s not what content means to me. It means I’m happy with what I have right now and I’m doing great, I feel great and I’m looking forward to better, always.

There is this quote somewhere about being selfish in your 20’s and I just don’t entirely agree with it. I think people need to find a balance between being selfish and giving throughout their lives. At any given point a person should be able to do things that make them feel good about themselves. But this doesn’t mean disregard to other things.

It won’t hurt to see people a little more content, a little more honest, or even a little more original. Makes you wonder, what’s next for the future generation. We know we are evolving , but the main question is, “What is the next  step ?”

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