One fourth a human, rest is……


They say they know what is about to come. They speak about it, they even talk in parties. But none of them understand the gravity and essence of the words and the burden they lay upon them while they are jabbering them out in the motion of the moment.

Creator of the unexplored mystical parts of this universe and us too, is hidden somewhere. Not clearly seen by anyone, just assumed to be there with a different sense of humor, which is certainly not the level of we humans. How to understand the connection, rather not understand but feel and live that connection. Does it require special powers? Special qualifications? Or any other thing that is more special than what we have now. I don’t think we do, there are so many precious and unexplored things which are crying out to be known, but we simply ignore them in search of the all mighty.

But it is necessary to get at the level where the things that we read, that we speak and that we listen make sense to us. If they are non-sense then there is also some sense in it. One of my friends had a picture of her with her mother, and the tag line was:

“Even if I become one-fourth a human, my mother is……the universe will thank me for existing….“

I learned something from this, not something, actually a lot of things. She is one-fourth a human, what is the rest part?

That is where the all mighty lies, there is where our darkest secrets and brightest truths stay and let us assume that they don’t even exist!

We are free but still trapped inside ourselves and only altered states of understandings. The inside of our mind can help us in evolving and getting past this vicious circle. Sometimes I wonder that why we only use 10% of our brain and rest is just lying there in a deep torment sleep waiting to wake up some day, or are we living in a reality which is not real, but just a dream which our larger sleeping brain chunk is processing, or are we part of some artificial intelligence which drives us in this void?

It is hard to come to a conclusion but there is a dimension where no dimensions exists. Where laws defined in our reality do not count and have no reason to exist. We are engineered to be like this, and the all mighty is none other than part of someone’s else’s imagination and the supreme one who is imagining all this in our own imagination and consciousness.

This is a never ending whirlpool where what goes down also comes up in some other dimension in the same time. It’s a DejaVu that is never going to happen.

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2 thoughts on “One fourth a human, rest is……

  1. “even if i become one-fourth a human my mother is…..the world is going to thank me for existing…”
    it meant my mum is a wonderful being n aspire to become become like her, and in that way the world is going be thankful to have me,a replicated form of my mum 🙂
    u have a different interpretation,well that’s gud (y)

    • Here you are, your meaning and our definition collides somewhere too. We are same yet different in lots of ways. Nidhi keep inspiring us with more meaningful words you have hidden inside you 🙂

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